Can Cats Eat Honeydew? You Might Be Surprised!

Can Cats Eat Honeydew

Honeydew is a tasty and nutritious treat for us humans, but you may be wondering if you can share this fruit with your cats too.

Cats have very different dietary needs to us, but can cats have honeydew? Is it healthy for them too?

Surprisingly, yes! Cats can have honeydew and some cats even enjoy this melon treat.

Let’s find out more.

About Honeydew Melons

Honeydew melons are packed with vitamin C, B vitamins, Vitamin K and potassium, making them a great, healthy addition to our own diets – not to mention one of our 5 a day.

They’re also a really good source of fibre for humans.

These melons can range in colour from yellow or white to green or orange.

They are small to medium melons and they contain around 90% water, making them ideal for keeping you well hydrated.

They’re usually in season throughout the summer and sometimes into fall.

So, I Can Give My Cat Honeydew?

I actually didn’t know this before researching and writing this post, but yes, your cat really can eat honeydew melon.

And I imagine this would be a pretty refreshing treat in the hot summer months.

I’ve never tried it will my cats, but I definitely will now!

Honeydew isn’t at all toxic for cats making it safe for them to eat.

However, it’s not something that your cat needs to eat as it has no real nutritional value for your moggy.

That being said, due to the high water content that I mentioned earlier, it is possible that honeydew melon can help with dehydration in cats, but it’s really not a substitute for fresh drinking water – which should be available at all times.

Do Cats Even Like Honeydew?

Cats will be cats! Some are fussier than others.

If you’ve got a cat that is always desperate to eat whatever you’re eating, then they may well enjoy a bit of honeydew.

And, offering it as a cool, hydrating treat on a hot day might make your cat more likely to enjoy this fruit.

How to Feed Your Cat Honeydew

Remember that while is it safe to feed your cat honeydew melon, it’s not a food that is intended for cats and it’s not a necessary part of their diet.

Therefore, honeydew melon should be fed in moderation and only as a rare treat.

To prepare some honeydew melon for your cat, give it a wash and remove the skin and seeds.

Next, cut it into small, bite-sized pieces, or even consider mashing the melon.

Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Yes, much like with honeydew, cats can also eat watermelon as long as it is seedless.

Again, this should only be given in small amounts.

Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe?

Cats can also safely eat cantaloupe, but follow the advise listed above for feeding honeydew if you’re giving your cat cantaloupe melon.

Interested to know if your cat can eat a lemon? Click here.

Making Sure Your Cat Has A Balanced Diet

While it’s okay to feed your cat small amounts of honeydew melon, or even watermelon or cantaloupe as a treat, please remember that these foods are not intended for cats and they don’t make up a necessary part of your feline’s diet.

To keep your cat healthy, focus on providing it with a healthy diet and plenty of clean water.

Treats should make up no more than 10% of your cat’s diet, and less if you are trying to manage your moggy’s weight.

Cats require a meat-based diet, so be sure you are feeding good quality wet or dry food.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it! As surprising as it may seem, cats can actually eat honeydew. And, in fact, many cats enjoy melon.

Just remember to feed treats like this to your cat in moderation and always be sure to maintain a good, healthy diet for your feline.

Is Dog Ice Cream Safe For Cats? Or Just For Doggies?

Being a pet owner, you can have adorable pets including cats and dogs live together in harmony.

And you will want to treat these furbabies equally, but it’s worth remembering that they do have different needs.

If you offer some dog ice cream to your pooch, you also want to share it with your cat. But is dog ice cream safe for cats?

Though there is no toxic substance in dog ice cream, you should avoid feeding it to your cat in high amounts.

As canines and felines are different from each other, dog ice cream is best suitable for dogs only.

Besides, cats lack the enzyme to digest lactose found in dairy products. So, it’s better to keep your cat away from the dog’s treat, as well as human ice cream!

Here I will look into dog ice cream and its effects on cats in more detail to help you understand any potential hazards of offering dog ice cream to your feline friend. So, let’s dig deeper into it.

Can I Feed My Cat Dog Ice Cream?

No, you should not feed your cat dog ice cream. That’s because it is not appropriate for cats. The cat’s digestive system can’t deal with food intended for humans or any other pets.

Your cat can’t withstand many ingredients found in dog ice cream. So, it’s not a good idea to offer them a dog treat.

But, Is Dog Ice Cream Safe For Cats?

So although I wouldn’t recommend feeding dog ice cream to your cats, we all know that cats can be sneaky if they have a treat in their sights.

And they may well take the opportunity if your dog’s ice cream is left unoccupied for a moment.

As such, you might be wondering if dog ice cream is safe for cats? So, generally, all types of ice creams aren’t suitable for cats because of some unhealthy components in them – this includes doggy ice cream.

Sugar, milk, and cream are important ingredients of ice cream. However, homemade dog ice cream has yoghurt and fresh fruits instead of these ingredients.

Although cats are fine with fruits, yoghurt is not so good for them.

In short, avoid feeding your cat dog ice cream as it can be problematic for your pet. If your cat happens to gain access to a small amount, it’s unlikely to cause problems, but avoid your cat eating large quantities of it.

And, if you are worried that your cat has eaten some dog ice cream, it’s important to speak to your vet.

What Happens If My Cat Eats Dog Ice Cream?

Well, you should keep in mind that dog ice cream is particularly made for canines and isn’t designed with cats and their digestive requirements in mind.

Although, this dog treat doesn’t contain any extremely harmful substances for cats, in some cases, your cat might suffer from some problems like diarrhea and vomiting.

This happens due to lactose present in yoghurt, one of the ingredients of dog ice cream, which is not recommended for cats.

Although they can consume it without complications in small quantities, in some cases it can still lead to diarrhea.

I have one cat who does steal a lick of yoghurt if a pot is left hanging around, and this hasn’t proved to be harmful, but I would never allow her to consume any more than a few licks every now and then.

Also, yoghurt consists of high-fat content which dogs can tolerate. But that’s not the case with cats as they can’t consume too much fat.

On top of that, dog ice cream is formed to satisfy dogs, not cats. So, you should consider other alternatives for your feline friends.

I’ve provided some tasty ideas later on in this post.

Can Cats Eat Lactose-Free Ice Cream?

Yes, cats can consume lactose-free ice cream. Although, lactose is not present in all kinds of ice cream.

But it’s better to check the ingredients before offering it to your cat. Being a pet owner, your pet’s health should be your top priority.

And to be on the safe side, it’s best to avoid all types of ice cream that aren’t intended for cats altogether.

Alternatives To Dog Ice Cream For Cats

You can offer treats to your cats that are made only for them rather than offering dog ice cream.

Here are four delicious treats that you can offer your kitty while your dog enjoys his ice cream:

Cat Ice Cream

If you want to offer your cat a treat, then cat ice cream is a good option in this regard as it contains ingredients that are cat-friendly.

Cat ice cream can be simply made at home and it is also commercially available.

Remember to feed snacks and treats in moderation, and in accordance with your vet’s guidance.

Frozen Tuna Snacks

It’s unlikely your cat will ever turn its whiskers up at the opportunity of demolishing some tuna.

But did you know that you can turn this fishy treat into a frozen option for a hot summer’s day? This is something that is super easy to do at home.


The simple treat you can offer to your cat on a sweltering day is ice.

Make sure you use fresh water, as you would if you were preparing ice cubes for yourself.

When they are frozen, add the ice cubes to your cat’s water bowl. Not all cats will be a fan, but it can be a good option for many.

Additionally, ice helps to keep your kitties cool and keep them well hydrated in hot weather.

Some cats may even enjoy playing with the ice cubes which can help to keep their paws cool.

Cat Ice Lollies

As well as making your own cat ice cream at home, did you know that you can also make soothing ice lollies for your feline friend?

Homemade cat ice lollies are super quick and easy to create – and your kitty with LOVE them – take a look at this simple recipe.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, it’s not a good idea to offer dog ice cream to your cat.

Dog treats are made for canines so it’s better not to offer felines such treats. Felines can’t tolerate the ingredients of dog ice cream – mainly yoghurt – which can cause an upset stomach.

It’s unlikely to cause your cat serious harm if she steals a little dog ice cream while you (and your pooch) aren’t watching, but it’s important to keep an eye on her behaviour afterwards and contact your vet if you are concerned.

There are so many cat-friendly alternatives that you can choose. If you prep something in advance, you can offer a cat-specific frozen treat to your cat while your dog enjoys his ice cream.

Can Cats Have Vanilla Ice Cream? Or Is This Sweet Treat Bad For Them?

Most of us love to eat ice cream, no matter if it is summer or one of the cold nights of December.

If you are a pet owner, there is a high probability that you will want your feline friends to enjoy a cool treat as well on hot summer days.

But can cats eat ice cream? Well, here is the answer.

Although a small amount of vanilla ice cream is perfectly fine for cats, they should avoid eating too much ice cream.

Cats are lactose intolerant, so ice cream can upset her stomach as it consists of milk. Moreover, this sweet treat can cause more problems in the long term.

Here, I will guide you further on whether your pet can have ice cream or not. I will look at the risks and some suitable tasty alternative treats.

Can Cats Eat Ice Cream?

It’s better to avoid feeding your pet too much ice cream. To be on the safe side, I would advise avoiding it altogether.

But don’t panic if someone does feed your cat a spoonful or two, or if your cat steals a lick of your tub, it’s unlikely to cause much harm in small quantities. But feeding it should not become a regular thing.

There are a few reasons why ice cream isn’t a good option for your cat. Just like with humans, it isn’t the healthiest option, but there are also more reasons that that.

There is a lot of sugar and fats present in ice cream and these really aren’t good for your kitty.

Here are more reasons why this sweet treat is not good for your cat.

Propylene Glycol In Ice Cream

Regarding propylene glycol, this substance prevents crystal formation in ice cream. It is considered a safe antifreeze for humans to consume.

But in the case of cats, it is problematic for them. Excess of this substance, particularly in liquid form, can lead to poisoning in cats and dogs alike.

In addition, consuming foods or liquids having propylene glycol destroys red blood cells in cats. This might result in:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Discolouration of skin
  • Sudden weakness
  • Discoloured Urine

If you observe any of these symptoms in your cat, it’s better to call your vet as soon as possible to avoid further complications.

Lactose Intolerance In Cats

Did you know that your cat suffers from lactose intolerance? Your feline friends lack the enzyme for digestion of lactose found in milk and most kinds of ice creams.

Unfortunately, because of this condition, cats who consume lactose can experience an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

Likewise, eating ice cream can make your kitty obese as it contains high levels of sugar, fat, and dairy.

In the United States, 60-70% of cats are believed to be overweight to obese, so selecting the right foods and treats for your cat, in the right quantities, is incredibly important.

Do Cats Like Vanilla Ice Cream?

Cats lack any receptors for sweet taste, and that’s why they don’t like sweet-tasting ice creams, as such.

However, that being said, my cats always seem to sniff if out when we are eating ice cream and make a beeline – trying to get a cheeky lick!

So if they lack the necessary receptors, why do cats like vanilla ice cream?

Well, it’s more likely to be to do with the milk content and the high levels of carbs and fats – all of which are bad for cats.

What about other flavours of ice cream? Well, the same applies! Keep them away from any ice cream if you can.

Keep in mind that chocolate ice cream can be particularly troublesome as chocolate is toxic for your cats and can be fatal.

Chocolate contains chemical compounds, including caffeine, that can lead to complications and can even result in coma.

Can Cats Get Brain Freeze?

Have you ever got a headache because of eating too much ice cream? If your cat gets its paws on some ice cream, you may be wondering if it will also experience brain freeze.

The answer may surprise you because, yes, cats can get brain freeze.

This is because cats have the same nervous system as humans. Hence, the brain freeze leads to constriction of blood vessels and results in a nervous reaction.

Therefore, your cat might suffer from a severe headache just like you if it consumes ice cream.

What To Do If Your Cat Eats Ice Cream

Although a small amount of vanilla ice cream is fairly safe for your kitty, you should be worried if felines consume too much ice cream.

If this situation happens, you need to watch your pet. If you observe any symptoms like vomiting and diarrhoea, it’s important you contact your vet.

In addition, you should prevent your cat from eating more ice cream.

Your vet will likely ask you how long ago the cat ate the ice cream, how much it ate etc. Try to give your vet as much information as possible so they can treat your kitty quickly.

Alternatives To Ice Cream

There are so many tasty alternatives you can offer your feline on a hot day that won’t result in any health concerns.

You can make cat-safe ice cream at home for a relatively low cost. Or you can make your own cat ice lollies for those hot summer days.

If your cat is drawn to the dairy smell of your ice cream, try offering it cat milk as a suitable alternative.

It’s also possible to freeze some types of cat food, like tuna, to offer your kitty a cooling treat.

Final Thoughts

You should generally avoid giving your cat any sort of ice cream that hasn’t been created specifically for felines – this includes human ice cream and dog ice cream.

A small amount of ice cream is unlikely to cause any harm, but it’s best practice to avoid giving ice cream as a treat to your cat altogether.

Ice cream is rich in carbohydrates and fat content, leading to obesity in cats. It’s important to maintain a balanced diet in cats to avoid them becoming overweight.

Cats are lactose intolerant which means they are unable to properly digest ice cream, which can lead to an upset stomach or further complications.

Instead of ice cream, you can offer your kitty wet food, kibble, cat treats, or homemade cat ice cream or cat lollies.

Remember though, treats or snacks shouldn’t take more than 10% of your cat’s diet.

Can Cats Eat Lemons?

If you have ever owned a cat, you’ll be fully aware that they sometimes try to eat some strange things.

I have one cat who loves a tasty housefly, another who enjoys tomato sauce, one who loves licking plastic, and one who will fight me for anything that smells like dairy.

None of mine have ever shown an interest in lemons, and I’ve never been tempted to try them with citrus fruits either, but can cats have lemons? Let’s find out.

Are Lemons Bad For Cats?

While lemons, and other delicious citrus fruits like limes and oranges, may be super healthy for us and packed with vitamin C, the same does not apply to our feline friends.

As with many other types of human foods, the fact that it is good for us doesn’t always mean it’s good for cats too.

Unfortunately, cats cannot eat lemons. And, due to their sour taste, it is unlikely they would want to anyway.

In fact, most cats are put off by the smell of citrus, which is good news really.

The peel, the pulp, the juice, the seeds of a lemon, and even lemon trees, are all toxic to cats.

Lemons contain psoralen, limonene, and linalool – all of which can be extremely dangerous for cats.

Limonene and linalool both create the distinctive citrusy smell of a lemon, but it is harmful to kitties.

These compounds can also be found in household cleaning products, cosmetic products, and even dog shampoos, so it’s really important to keep such items away from cats.

Lemons also contain psoralen, which, while helpful for humans (it has been used for psoriasis), can cause severe skin conditions in cats.

Is Citrus Toxic To Cats?

Yes, it’s not just lemons that are bad for cats, this applies to all citrus fruits, so it’s important your cat doesn’t digest oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, or any other citrus fruits. Even just a small amount can be very dangerous.

Lemon Poisoning In Cats

If your cat has eaten any part of a lemon, or any other citrus fruit, it is crucial to consult with your vet as soon as possible.

Even in small quantities, lemon can cause painful gastrointestinal difficulties.

Here’s a full list of symptoms of lemon poisoning in cats:

  • Sickness
  • Diarrhea
  • Tremors
  • Drooling
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Cold limbs
  • Depression
  • Liver failure
  • Collapse

In extreme and sad circumstances, it can even lead to death.

Eating lemons is not the only problem, Should lemon come into contact with your cat’s skin, this can lead to photosensitivity and skin irritation.

Advice On Feeding Your Cat

As with any other pet, it’s really important your cat gets the right food. Feeding good-quality wet and dry food, in the correct quantities, will help to keep your kitty happy, safe, and well.

Occasional treats are fine, as long as they are fed in moderation. But, in general, it’s best to stick to cat treats as they’ve been specifically designed with cats in mind.

Human foods are often too rich or calorific for cats and, as we’ve learned, some can even be toxic.

If you’re unsure of what is best to feed your cat, it’s a good idea to have a chat with your vet or a pet nutritionist.

Final Thoughts

So, contrary to what you may have thought, and despite how good they are for us humans, cats actually can’t eat lemons.

Citrus fruits can be highly toxic for cats and can lead to some pretty serious health concerns.

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